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Astronomy Events For 2011... last edit 1/28/2011

Astronomy Events 2011
February 11  First Quarter Moon
February 14 Stardust/NExT spacecraft flyby of Comet Tempel 1
March 12  First Quarter Moon
March 13  Sunday, Start of Daylight Savings Time, Set Clocks Ahead
March 16  Mercury and Jupiter Conjunction low in western sky
March 18  Messenger spacecraft enters orbit around Mercury
March 19  Sun-Earth Day
March 19  Full Moon with Moon at its closest point to the Earth, so
slightly larger in the sky
March 20 6:31 P.M. CDT Vernal Equinox…Start of Spring
March 22 Mercury at greatest angle East of Sun, Low in the western sky
shortly after sunset
April 11  First Quarter Moon
April 12  50th Anniversary First Human in Space (Yuri Gagarin)
April 22   Earth Day
May 10  First Quarter Moon
May 11  Venus, Jupiter Conjunction before dawn, Mercury and Mars also
visible in morning
June 8  First Quarter Moon
June 21  12:16 P.M. CDT  Summer Solstice, Start of Summer
July 12  Neptune has now completed one orbit of the Sun since its
discovery in 1846
August 6 First Quarter Moon
August   Juno spacecraft Launch to Jupiter
August 12,13  Perseid Meteor Shower, up to 60 meteors per hour, but
Full Moon interferes
September 4 First Quarter Moon
September 23 4:05 A.M. CDT  September Equinox, Start of Fall
October 3 First Quarter Moon
October 8  International Observe the Moon Night
October 11  Full Moon with Moon at its most distant point from the
Earth, so slightly smaller
   in the sky
November  Mars Science Lab (Curiosity) Launch to Mars
November 2 First Quarter Moon
November 6 Sunday, End of Daylight Savings Time, Set Clocks Back
November 17,18 Leonids Meteor Shower, up to 40 meteors per hour, Third
Quarter Moon
December 2 First Quarter Moon
December 10 6:45 A.M. Total Eclipse of the Moon enters Earth’s shadow,
Moon low in the
    western sky,  Total eclipse starts at 8:06 A.M. but the Moon will
be below our horizon.
December 13,14  Geminid Meteor Shower, up to 60 meteors per hour but the Waning
    Gibbous Moon will interfere

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